Despite the richness of this environment, humans are destroying the earth’s tropical rain forests

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dc.type StillImage
dc.title Despite the richness of this environment, humans are destroying the earth’s tropical rain forests
dc.description liberada para uso nas aulas – Inglês Instrumental_vol único_aula 14
dc.creator Fabiana Rocha; Manoel Magalhães Moreira
dc.created 2012-07-27
dc.publisher Fundação CECIERJ
dc.coverage Computação
dc.language pt-BR
dc.format image/jpeg
dc.extent 140.8 KB
dc.subject computacao
dc.subject ingles instrumental
dc.subject ilustracao
dc.subject floresta tropical
dc.subject desmatamento
dc.subject destruicao
dc.subject madeira
dc.subject arvore
dc.subject trator
dc.subject devastacao
dc.subject ambiente
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